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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8006839
Werktitel: Rush: Vapor Trails
Interpret: RUSH, O.
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0757997252, Authentic Guitar-TAB Edition

Titles include:
One Little Victory; Ceiling Unlimited; Ghost Rider; Peaceable Kingdom; The Stars look down; How it is; Vapor Trail; Secret touch; Earthshine; Sweet miracle; Nocturne; Freeze (Part IV of "Fear"); Out of the Cradle;
Ergänzungstext: With 30 years of music behind them, Rush returns after a long hiatus with Vapor Trails, a harder- and bolder-sounding album than anything they've done in years. The first single, "One Little Victory", rocketed into the top 10 of Billboard's Mainstream Rock chart just weeks after its release. More emotional than any other Rush album, the stirring lyrics by drummer Neil Peart are bound to become Rush classics. This album-matching folio also includes special black and white photos of the band. This is a must-have for all Rush Fans!
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