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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Keyboard/Piano/Vocal/Gitarre
Artikelnummer: 8002885
Werktitel: Fred Hammond & Radical for Christ: Purpose by Desi
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0760136254, Piano/Vocal/Chords

Titles are:
I want my Destiny; Let me praise you now; Give me a clean heart; Thank you Lord (for Being There for Me); Jesus be a fence around me; I know it was the blood; I press; My father was/Is; Our Father; Willing to follow you; When you praise; You are the living word; Yes he will;
Ergänzungstext: For more than a decade, Fred Hammond and his dozen-voice choir, Radical for Christ, have been at the forefront of gospel music. Garnering a fairly large fan base with critical appeal, his 2000 release, Purpose by Design, demonstrates the strength of his faith through the power of music. This album-matching folio clearly portrays all the nuances of that recording.
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