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Datenbank: Notenblätter / Partituren
Kategorie: Blasorchester / Fanfare / Brass / Big Band
Unterkategorie: Konzertmusik
Artikelnummer: 1327045
Werktitel: OFF AND AWAY!
Komponist: HINKEL, JOSHUA V.
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 (Mittelschwer)
Besetzungsart: BLASORCHESTER
Dauer: 04:15
Demo Notenblatt: Notenbeispiel Hier klicken
Cover: Cover
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Zusatzinformation: Off and Away! celebrates the adventure of a road trip with great friends, passing through bustling cities, calming countrysides, beautiful blue oceans, and finally returning home, reflecting on the wonderful times had by all.
Ergänzungstext: Off and Away! represents an incredible automobile ride with a group of friends. Imagine a trip through a busy town where you pass by all the attractions and entertainment venues. The vehicle travels past bustling hotels and down the packed main street. As time passes, the journey takes the group out into the country where lighthouses and country homes can be seen along side the endless beautiful blue ocean. Finally, the friends return back to the busy town they love and call home, remembering the fun adventure they just had.
Conversely, this piece is dedicated to two friends that I enjoyed similar experiences with. Without their kind words, wisdom and friendship, I honestly believe I would not be where I am today. The time with them, although shortlived, has been and always will remain with me. I am humbled to be associated with them and my experiences have been the inspiration for this work. Thanks to R.S. and S.H. for everything!
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