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Datenbank: Komponisten
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Ergänzungstext: Name: Bennett, Malcolm *: in: +: in:
Malcolm Bennett kommt aus Burbage in Leicestershire. Er studierte Komposition, Trompete und Piano am "Royal Northern College of Music" in Manchester und an der "Royal Academy of Music" in London. Er war James Watson's Kollege in den 60-igern im "Leicestershire School Orchestra". Er kann Auftritte mit Großbritanniens Top-Symphonie- und Opernorchestern verbuchen. Anschließend wechselte er in die kommerzielle Sphäre und er wurde zum begehrtesten Trompetenspieler in den "London's West End" Theater. Als Komponist und Arrangeur schrieb er für Film, Radio, Fernsehen, seine eigene 12-Mann-Band, weiters für klassische Kammerensembles, für Schulchöre und Jugendensembles. Er errang auch als Aufnahmeproduzent einen großen Ruf.
Malcolm Bennett, who comes from Burbage, Leicestershire, studied composition, trumpet and piano at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester and the Royal Academy of Music in London. He was a contemporary of James Watson's in the Leicestershire Schools Orchestra of the 1960s, and his initial performing career saw him playing with most of Britain's top symphony and opera orchestras before moving into the commercial sphere and becoming one of the most sought after lead trumpet players in London's West End theatres. As a composer and arranger his credits are equally wide-ranging: he has written for film, radio, television, his own 12-piece big band, classical chamber ensembles, school choirs and young people's orchestras, recording artistes and top cabaret performers, and the world-famous Brighouse and Rastrick Band. He is also gaining a growing reputation as a record producer, in which capacity he was responsible for the recording of the pieces in this collection.


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