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Datenbank: Komponisten
Autorenname: DUFFY, THOMAS C.
Komponierte Werke: Hier klicken
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Ergänzungstext: Name: Duffy, Thomas D. Geb.: in: Verstorben: in:
Thomas C. Duffy erhielt seinen "Bachelor of Science in Music Education" und "Master of Musical Arts in Compositions" von der "University of Connecticut", wo bei unter Charles Whittenberg, Hale Smith und James Eversole studierte. Nachdem er ein Jahr lang am "Hartford Conservatory of Dance and Music" lehrte, besuchte er die "Cornell University", wo der seinen "Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition degree" als Student von Karl Husa und Steven Stucky, machte. Während dieser Zeit lehrte Duffy Jazz und allgemeine Musik an der "Auburn Maximum Security Correctional Facility" in Auburn, New York. 1982 trat er dann in die "Faculty of the Yale University School of Music" ein, wo er im Moment "Professor Adjunct of Music" und Banddirektor ist. Er arbeitet als Musikdirektor der Konzertband, des Windensembles, der "Yale Marching Band", des Jazzensembles und er lehrt die Theorie des 20. Jahrhunderts und Dirigieren. Er arbeitet auch als Verleger des "College Band Directors National Association Journal" und ist der Präsident des "Connecticut Composers Incorporated".
Thomas C. Duffy received his Bachelor of Science in Music Education and Master of Musical Arts in Composition from the University of Connecticut, where he was a student of Charles Whittenberg, Hale Smith, and James Eversole. After teaching for one year at the Hartford Conservatory of Dance and Music, he attended Cornell University, where he earned the Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition degree as a student of Karl Husa and Steven Stucky. During this time, Duffy, while seeking the "new frontier", tought jazz and general music at the Auburn Maximum Security Correctional Facility in Auburn, New York. In 1982, he joined the faculty of the Yale University School of Music, where he is presently Professor Adjunct of Music and Director of University Bands. He serves as music director for the Concert Band, the Wind Ensemble, the Yale Precision Marching Band, the Jazz Ensemble and teaches twentieth-century theory, conducting, and wind studies in the graduate school of music. He serves as a editor of the College Band Directors National Association Journal, and has served as the president of Connecticut Composers Invorporated.


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