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Datenbank: Songbook
Unterkategorie: Zupfinstrument
Artikelnummer: 8004752
Werktitel: Jann Arden: Greatest Hurts-the best of Jann Arden
Interpret: JANN, ARDEN
Land: USA (US)
Cover: Cover
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Inhalt: ISBN: 0757994687, Guitar Songbook Edition

Titles are:
Thing for you; Could I be your Girl; The Sound of; I would die for you; Saved; If it be your will; Insensitive; Sleepless; Will you remember me; Sorry for myself; You don't know me; Unloved; Good mother; Never mind; Sleepless (Remix); Insensitive (Live);
Ergänzungstext: Greatest Hurts is an intimate musical self-portrait of Canadian singer-songwriter Jann Arden. This album-matching folio contains arrangements and lyrics to all of Jann's favorite hits, including the international multi-platinum hit "Insensitive". Each arrangement in this book was personally worked on and approved by Jann.
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