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Datenbank: Notenblätter / Partituren
Kategorie: Blasorchester / Fanfare / Brass / Big Band
Unterkategorie: Solo fuer Trompete(n)/Fluegelhorn/Cornet+BLO
Artikelnummer: 1320308
Erscheinungsjahr: 2013
Land: Spanien (ES)
Schwierigkeitsgrad: 3 (Mittelschwer)
Besetzungsart: BLASORCHESTER
Besetzungsart Hinweis: SOLO FLHRN (TRP)
Auslieferungsverlag: CURNOW MUSIC PRESS
Dauer: 10:35
Cover: Cover
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Partitur: Partitur Hier klicken
Preis in EUR: (exkl.Mwst) 140.00 (unverbindlicher Richtpreis)
Ab in die Jukebox: Ab in die Jukebox (Nr. 1320308_RAPHAEL.mp3)
Zusatzinformation: Dieses Werk ist vom berühmten italienischen Renaissance-Maler Raphael und dessen großartigen Bildern inspiriert; zugleich ist es aber auch ein sehr persönliches Werk von Ferrer Ferran, da er es seinem Bruder Raphael gewidmet hat. Diesem wird für seine großen Verdienste in der Jungmusikerausbildung Tribut gezollt. Beide, den Maler und den Lehrer, zeichnet eine große Hingabe an ihre Aufgabe aus, die in diesem Werk sehr schön zum Ausdruck kommt.

Raffaello Sanzio, better known simply as Raphael, was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance. His paintings have been admired and imitated for centuries, and his architectural works have had a considerable influence. He is seen as one of the finest painters in the history of Western art, as well the supreme master of preliminary drawings for his numerous projects. Raphael’s works have always been appreciated and studied, and are regarded as jewels of academic art.

This composition is inspired by the great painter and his dazzling works, but also the composer’s own brother, Rafael, or Rafa, to who this piece is dedicated. With its entertaining Andante in Swing and peaceful Preludio, we have a rich picture of a generous, understanding and loving person wholly dedicated to music teaching, particularly to younger children. Thanks to his many qualities, the young pupils enrich their musical faculties and broaden their knowledge.

Like a well chosen metaphor, Raphael is dedicated to Rafa, whose great achievement is in stimulating and educating the young – and not so young – through his remarkable work at the Allegro Centro Musical (Valencia, Spain), with the aim of providing them with a solid musical training in order to become good musicians and well-adjusted people.
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